I thought I would show ya'll some of my favorite products. I love reading reviews for products because it really helps me when I am looking for a good purchase that I know won't waste my money.

I will always need a concealer. I only use a liquid concealer around my eyes. I feel that liquid makeup of any kind put anywhere else on my face makes me break out. I have crazy sensitive skin so I just use a power mineral type concealer around my face. I was also blessed with the worst dark circles and have looked everywhere for something that will cover up these bad boys.. When I normally wear concealer under my eyes by the end of the day those horrible dark circles are showing through. So I knew I wanted a concealer that would last all day long. So one day I was in Wal-Mart and happen to find the Super-Stay 24HR Concealer. I tried it the next day and I loved it.The coverage is great and smooth and does not feel heavy on your face. With most concealers I would have to use almost half the tube to get the coverage I was going for, but this you will only need a small dot for your eyes..I was very surprised at how long this little tube lasted! I got it the first of May and still have a lot left in the tube. The only thing I found was you have to work fast with it. It drys at a rapid speed. So all in all I am very happy with the product!!

When I went to the dermatologist the last time I asked her what would be the best type of makeup for me since I have oily skin and tend to breakout with almost everything I put on my skin. She told me to find some type of mineral foundation and while it didn't have to be Bare Minerals, it would probably work the best. I went to Wal-Mart and found the Loreal Bare Naturale Powdered mineral foundation. I wanted to try this first because the Bare Minerals can be a little pricey. I was really surprised with the great coverage and how smooth it felt. I also loved the fact that it is goof proof makeup and it is so incredibly easy to apply. I always use the brush that comes with it. Then I will take a concealer brush, dip it in the mineral foundation and add to the spots where I need more coverage. I really do like this product, but I still get my fair share of break outs. So I will probably try the starter kit of Bare Minerals to see if that will help. If my skin wasn't so sensitive and wouldn't breakout I would probably never change from this make up. It honestly feels like you aren't wearing any.

I have curlered my hair with big hot rollers since I was about 14 years old. I used to watch my mom do it all the time and just loved the look. So I have been hot rolling my hair for almost 10 years and have gone through 2 or 3 set of hot curlers. I am not a fan of curling irons. I have thick long hair and they just never have worked for me. I will blow dry my hair and then hot curler it, sometimes leaving my hair up in them for 2 hours while I am doing things around the house. I don't hot curler every day, but most days I do. When I was at Target about a year ago I saw the TRESemme (heat tamer and protective spray) and knew it would be something good for me to try. I thought about all the heat from the blow dryer and hot curlers and knew that eventually all my hair would start screaming at me for burning the mess out of it for so long. So now before I blow dry I spray it all over my head and before I curler I spray it on my ends. I love almost everything I try from TRESemme, mainly the volume mousses and stuff not the shampoos. Really not sure what it is about the shampoos but i have tried two and they hurt my scalp. I love this stuff though! It keeps my hair protected and does not weigh it down or make it look greasy .. It is pretty cheap and lasts along time. I really like this product for how it is helping keep my hair safe from all the heat.
Yes, I use baby shampoo! This is the best smelling shampoo I have ever tried. The Johnson and Johnson Calming Lavender Shampoo.. It cleans my hair so well and never leaves a build up.
I was running low on my old shaving cream and found this at Target one night I was in there getting a prescription filled. It is now my favorite shaving cream! EOS smells great and leaves my legs super smooth! It can be used wet or dry. It does not go as a foam, but a creamy, easy-to-control lotion. It is now available at CVS, Target, Walgreen's and Rite Aid.
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