I was a long time fan of Aqua Net!( hello 80's) I mean I have used it since I was first in high school, but about 4 months ago I started noticing it was really flaking. I don't know if the formula changed or something weird happen to my head, but I had to stop using Aqua Net. I started reading some reviews on drug store hair sprays. I knew I wanted something with some powerful hold. I have really thick hair so a light weight spray wasn't going to cut it. I found this at Walmart for $4.00. It is more pricey than Aqua Net, but it has great hold and last all day!
I have horribly sensitive skin. When it come to shaving I want something without a ton of chemicals and fragrance. I have been shaving my legs with baby oil for a long time. It really works great but when I was at Trader Joes I purchased this. It was a great price and works great for my weird skin!
I use a lot of heat on my hair! I blow dry my hair every day (because it takes my hair forever to air dry) I also hot roll my hair almost everyday. I found this heat protect at Rite Aid. One bottle lasts a long time! I spray it on my hair right before I dry it, then I spray it again when it is dry and I am getting ready to hot curl it.
I love Lush products! I got Honey Trap lip balm and some of their other products for Christmas last year. I love this lip balm. I have super dry lips and this is the best stuff! It smells like honey which at first I thought was a little weird, but now I am addicted. I love to put it on before I go to bed because it's so thick it stays on my lips all night. I checked the price of this and it's kinda pricey for lip balm! I usually just pick up a cheap tube near the check out at Walmart or Target. I have to say it will probably expire before I get to use all that is in this tub.
I was blessed with horrible dark circles! This is a tinted moistener for under your eyes. It works great! It wont take away your dark circles but it does help hide them for the day. I have had my tube for at least 6 months and it still has a bunch of the product left in it. It does cost around $10.00 and sometimes I have found a coupon for Garnier products for a $1.00 or $2.00 off.

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